21 January, 2013

Soteria Manchester (meeting)

We are meeting again to discuss setting up the Soteria house in Manchester. 

We are meeting on 28th January 2013 at Falafel 26 Wilmslow Road, M14 5TQ Manchester  http://goo.gl/maps/LJXNf at 6.00 pm. Do come along and invite your friends too. 

We will be discussing ideas about funding, approaching groups and about housing.  If you can't make it do send us your ideas and how we can work towards setting up a Soteria house. If you have articles that support the Sotieria model of treatment do send them in too. 

07 January, 2013

Beyond Belief - Tamasin Knight

Found this on Rufus May's website I had to share it .   "Beyond Belief is now available as a free download. Its a guide written by Tamasin Knight to self help strategies used by people with unusual and compelling beliefs. Very useful stuff" Rufus May 

Rufus May's website has a free copy of the book. Here is the link to Dr May's website - http://rufusmay.com/

A direct link to the book Tamasin Knight Beyond Belief – Alternative Ways of Working with Delusions, Obsessions and Unusual Experiences