Minutes- Manchester Soteria planning
8th November 2012-11-09
8 people attended the meeting. We
introduced ourselves and discussed what Soteria is. Most people agreed that
there is a need to look for support outside traditional networks.
The following points were discussed.
The need to get an NHS person involved.
To find evidence that the Soteria model
It was decided that we needed experts (by
training and experience to run the place).
Raising money through fund raisers. However
we saw the problem of raising money on our own. It was suggested we look at
housing societies and approach businesses to help us financially. We also
discussed the possibility of renting a house.
William discussed how he was going to start
something similar to the Soteria house in Preston document attached.
Further action-
To find housing associations and businesses
that could help fund us or provide us with housing. It was decided the co op
could be approached.
To call for another meeting soon.
To get more mental health groups involved.
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